英文名称:Winter Poem
神秘园2011年11月发行的新专辑-<Winter Poem>,2012年第一篇日志,将这张专辑送给自己,也送给在2011年的冬天带给我温暖的鱼鱼,以及我的家人,我的朋友,愿大家的2012都是一个美好的新起点。
好几年没有从新专辑中听到那些经典的味道,于是也渐渐忘记了买CD是怎样的感觉。如果世博会纪念CD不算在内的话,似乎已经想不起上一次买CD是什么时候的事。近几年,那些曾经最喜欢的艺术家们,似乎都开始进入创作枯竭期,最明显的就是雅尼的近几张CD,越来越感觉不到曾经那个激情无限的雅尼,上海音乐会上,虽然雅尼在舞台极力通过大幅度的肢体动作来传达自己的活力,却仍然掩饰不住音乐中所散发出的慵懒。而神秘园上一张全新专辑《Inside I’m Singing》,虽然自己后来也非常喜欢,但也不可否认这张炒冷饭的专辑其实透露着种种无趣,我还是更喜欢曾经那些清新淡雅的作品,喜欢那种幸福满满、热情满满以至于想哭的感觉。
回家的路上用车载CD听了第一次,这张专辑的旋律也不是那种容易记忆的类型,所以一次听下来并不觉得多么出众。傍晚坐在办公室,第二次听这张专辑,大概是受曲名和歌词的影响,瞬间产生了共鸣,Make a wish,Song for a new beginning,让人情不自禁的对号入座——正如我对2012许了一个愿,2012也是我新的起点。可见为自己创作的东西起一个好名字是多么重要的事情。
01.Make a wish
02.Song for a new beginning
专辑从整体风格上,完全可以说是神秘园继《Inside I’m Singing》后的一次回归,Make a wish前面那一小段类似风铃的感觉,给整张专辑定下了一个平静淡雅的基调,虽然后面的Fionnuala’s Cookie Jar的热情洋溢每次都给我一种在听《大河之舞》的错觉,依然不影响整张专辑的回归。
另外除去最后两首Expo的作品,专辑两首人声作品The Dream和Mary’s Lament也是这张专辑最大的亮点。
03.The Dream
07.Mary’s Lament
Winter Poem is the 2011 album by Secret Garden. Primarily an instrumental album, it features three songs with guest vocals: Moya Brennan of Clannad fame on “The Dream”, Fionnuala Gill on “Mary’s Lament”, and Tracey Campbell and Espen Grjotheim on “Powered By Nature”.
The lyrics to “Mary’s Lament” were written by Brendan Graham. He previously collaborated with Rolf Lovland on You Raise Me Up.
”Powered By Nature” and “Suite” were written for Expo 2010 Shanghai China with the first serving as Norway’s official Expo-song.
01.Make A Wish
02.Song For A New Beginning
03.The Dream (Vocal: Moya Brennan)
04.Frozen In Time
06.Fionnuala’s Cookie Jar
07.Mary’s Lament (Vocal: Fionnuala Gill)
08.Song At The End Of The Day
09.Lament For A Frozen Flower
10.Powered By Naure (Vocals: Tracey Campbell, Espen Grjotheim)
11.Suite: Prelude, Intermezzo, Polka, Air, Interlude, Hymn
Secret Garden – The Dream (feat. Moya Brennan)
We sail out in the morning
As the winter turns to spring
Undestined and unknowing
Of what tomorrow brings.
Towords the blue horizon
Leaving all we have behind
Our uearning hearts
will guide us to find…
The dream we carry with us
And the hopes that we hold
As we rise from the ash into gold
We reach for the impossible
As unreal it may seem…
Still, we sail ‘cross the ocean
And follow the dream!
The moon and stars above us
Will lead us to the shore.
My heart will be my compass
And you will be my north.
We forecast stormy weather
And we pro-and-con our moves
But what have we achieved
if we lose…
The dream we carry with us
And the hopes that we hold
As we rise from the ash into gold
We reach for the impossible
As unreal it may seem…
We sail ‘cross the ocean
And capture the dream!
One day arriving,beyond the far blue,
Where you’ll find me waiting
and I will find you!
The dream we carry with us
And the hopes that we hold
As we rise from the ash into gold
We reach for the impossible
As unreal it may seem…
We sail ‘cross the ocean
And become the dream!
Secret Garden – Mary’s Lament
A Star shines brightly high,
To tell a King is nigh,
But Mary holds a baby,
No sound he makes, no cry;
Sha lays him in a manager,
This night he first is born,
To keep him safe from danger,
All on a Christmas morn.
She lullabyes so soft, so low,
She sees the crown and the thorn,
She sings of how she loves him so,
But still her heart is torn, forlorn,
All on a Christmas morn.
And while your babe is asleep,
Why, Mary do you weep?
His path you see to Calvary,
You see his wounds so deep;
You shoulder now his Cross,
This night he first is born,
You gave him birth to die for us,
All on a Christmas morn.
She lullabyes so soft, so low,
She sees the crown and the thorn,
She sings of how she loves him so,
But still her heart is torn…
She lullabyes so soft, so low,
She sees the crown and the thorn,
She sings of how she loves him so,
But still her heart is torn, forlorn,
All on a Christmas morn…
All on a Christmas morn…